Everywhere I go, I scan my surroundings and wonder if someone is secretly plotting a CL missed connection post for me. “We locked eyes briefly at the Dollar Store as you were picking out those heavy flow maxi-pads. You smiled at me so innocently. If this is you tell me what I was wearing”
I drive down the interstate and look in all the cars and then come home to check CL to see if anyone missed a connection with the “Sexy dark haired girl in the toyota going towards the MMBT on 664, you eyeballed me and picked your nose. I want to take you out.”
Still nothing.
I get up every day, shower, get dressed and go out just so someone can miss a connection and look for me on CL.
Don’t approach me in public. I’m waiting for you here.
Date: 2008-11-15, 2:56PM EST