Funny Craigslist Ad #244: Magic Powered Microwave! – $30 (Sarasota)

I am selling a strange, white box of magic made by Whirlpool that heats food in an unbelievably fast amount of time. How does this magic box work you ask? I say sorcery, but the instructions claim waves at the micro level. It even illuminates it’s inside to show you how the magic works. I am selling because it’s just too much power to be in my hands. It mounts above the oven and even comes with a mounting plate! Use the electronic mail to ask any questions or arrange to keep this thing away from me.


Date: 2012-10-13, 9:28AM EDT

*All images in this ad are original and were included in the original Craigslist post.

Comment from the users who submitted this ad: I found this while searching for a microwave. I thought it was hilarious!



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