Funny Craigslist Ad #164: Club for Super Wizards – (East Boise)

I’m hoping to start a club for people who are interested in becoming wizards and doing wizardly stuff. Ideally, we could fight/embrace evil, drink crazy potions, and go on enchanted journeys throughout the Treasure Valley. Additionally, I have a sweet wizard lair we can meet at (now with Netflix) as well as an SUV for extended journeys (seats four other wizards).

Exemplary candidates should be over twenty one and possess the following:

-Some type of really awesome hat (no sombreros, please)
-A goat bladder flask for potions and elixirs
-The ability to write in runes
-A good supply of whiskey
-A beard or false beard (including female applicants)
-While not required, having a falcon or owl is a huge plus

Lastly, Harry Potter fans need not apply… you guys are pretty lame, no offense*. This club needs real sorcerers.

Interested parties should send me an email (or a messenger pigeon, if you’re really cool). With any luck, there will be enough prospective wizards to really get this kickstarted.

*Offense intended

  • Location: East Boise
  • it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Date: 2011-09-28, 10:56PM MDT



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